Olympic White “62” Jaguar

Olympic White “62” Jaguar. Upgraded specification

Sometimes, trying to capture the intrinsic character of a particular instrument is more rewarding than merely grafting on the latest and greatest upgrades. In some ways, retro-fitting a standard type bridge to my Jaguar, might be seen as a step backwards. But with a Fender Mute, Flatwound strings and a bit of a tweak to…

Olympic White Jaguar. Finished specification.

The Jaguar brought a new set of challenges. Nitro finishing, a fiddly wiring job and a bit of shimming to compensate for a higher bridge. The winter months have meant that the workshop is uncomfortably cold to work in – so the final finishing has been mostly done in the warmth of the kitchen. Over…

Shimming the Jaguar neck pocket.

It seems the Staytrem bridge must be taller than the stock design Jaguar bridge. Either that, or the neck heel is too deep. The action on the Jaguar is well above what you’d call normal – even with the bridge screwed all the way down to the deck. Fortunately – there’s a cure.

Fitting the Jaguar pickups.

As with most projects, all the individual elements build one on another – each relying on the quality and accuracy of the previous steps. So fitting the pickups feels a little bit like putting the pinnacle on a house of cards. Here’s hoping all my preparation leads to an easy installation.

Checking the neck on the Jaguar.

The pickups for the Jaguar have arrived! Time to pull this project together – well, see if I can wrap up the construction anyway. I need to make sure the neck is good to go – so it’s in the best possible shape for the first setup.